Expected tips:1 question - 300k gil
2 questions - 400k gil
3 questions - 500k gil
(I take payment after the reading! So don't worry about changing your mind about the amount of questions you want to ask!)

first card - challenges
second card - strengths
third card - how will you thrive?

This spread was created by me with FFXIV roleplaying intentions, but everyone is free to use it.Expected tip: 500k gil

THE FOOL - for new beginnings
THE MAGICIAN - for channeling willpower
THE HIGH PRIESTESS - for decoding intuitive messages
THE EMPRESS - for self nourishment
THE EMPEROR - for reclaiming personal power
THE HIEROPHANT - for reconnecting with the sacred
THE LOVERS - for love in all forms
THE CHARIOT - for forging a path
STRENGTH - for developing confidence
THE HERMIT - for the journey inward
THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE - for moving with the cycles
JUSTICE - for weighing decisions and actions
THE HANGED MAN - for accepting differences
DEATH - for coping with loss or change
TEMPERANCE - for creative alchemy
DEVIL - for redeeming your shadow
THE TOWER - for sacred destruction
THE STAR - for hope and healing
THE MOON - for navigating confusion
THE SUN - for illumination
JUDGEMENT - for refletion and evaluation
THE WORLD - for balance and wholeness

Expected tip: 1m gil

THE LOVERS: “I Choose You.”
THE EMPRESS: “I’m Ready for Love.”
THE HIEROPHANT: “Let’s Make It Official.”
THE SUN: “There’s Something to Celebrate!”

Expected tip: 500k per partner or 1m for the couple

Currently during break due to studies!I also accept personal bookings and one-time venue events!
If you ever want to buy a reading, just reach out to me in game or on discord.

Deck used
Suggested tip for bookings @ venues
250k gil/hour,
and 10% of the readings are yours.

I will also do my own shouts and party finders.

Liked my work? Interested in having me at your venue? You can see more details of me, my roleplay style and ways to get in touch below~

All carrd elements by Klaus Designs